What Causes Dry Eye and Blepharitis and How to Remedy It

What Causes Dry Eye and Blepharitis and How to Remedy It

Nearly 86% of people with dry eye also experience blepharitis. Without treatment, these conditions can cause significant irritation and make daily activities, like driving and using a computer, challenging.

At Orange County Cataract and Glaucoma, Dr. Brandon Chuang specializes in TearCare® blepharitis treatment. Read on to discover more about these conditions and how TearCare treatment works.

Understanding the link between dry eye and blepharitis

Dry eye and blepharitis are often mentioned together but they aren’t the same. Here’s how they differ:

Dry eye

Dry eye, or dry eye syndrome, occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or the tears are of low quality. It’s often caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), a condition that prevents the small oil glands in the eyelids from producing meibum, a key component of tears.

Dry eye triggers itchiness and irritation and can even affect your vision. Almost everyone has dry eyes occasionally, but if the problem persists, you may benefit from treatment.


Blepharitis causes the eyelids to swell and become inflamed. Sometimes, it’s due to a bacterial infection, but it can also occur because of clogged oil glands or skin conditions, like eczema (atopic dermatitis).

When should I see an eye doctor about dry eye and blepharitis?

Make an appointment with Dr. Chuang if your dry eye or blepharitis symptoms last more than a few days. Common signs include:

Seeing an expert is especially important if your symptoms don’t improve with over-the-counter (OTC) eye drops or they cause challenges with daily activities, like driving or using electronic screens.

Achieve lasting symptom relief with TearCare treatment

The good news is that dry eye and blepharitis can be managed with state-of-the-art TearCare treatment.

TearCare is an in-office procedure that uses a flexible, single-use device to apply gentle, controlled heat to your meibomian glands. This helps unclog the meibomian glands, so they can produce enough oil to support healthy, pH-balanced tears.

After wearing the device for at least 15 minutes, Dr. Chuang gently presses on your eyelids to express the meibomian glands. This ensures any remaining blockages are removed and supports the release of healthy tear film.

The best part? Many people notice significant symptom relief after just one treatment. If your symptoms recur, Dr. Chuang may recommend maintenance treatments every 6-12 months.

Schedule a TearCare treatment consultation!

Dr. Chuang and his team at Orange County Cataract and Glaucoma proudly offer noninvasive TearCare treatment for dry eye and blepharitis. If you’re interested in exploring this treatment, schedule a consultation today by calling our office in Santa Ana, California, at 714-541-4185 or using the online booking feature.

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